About Us

Welcome to the online portal "Schooling in Europe". It is designed to provide relevant information for schools systems in a few European countries - Germany, Netherlands, England, Spain and Bulgaria especially when it comes to migrant / refugee students, their parents and school staff. The online portal was created in the framework of ALFIRK – Collaborative Networks for Migrant Parent Empowerment financed by the European Union through the Erasmus+ programme in August 2018.

This site provides information for both migrants and professionals working with them.

In the section "For Parents", you will find a summary of the educational system for each partner country, ways to enrol a child and opportunities for parents to actively participate in the school life of their children. Under "Further Information", you may find useful additional information about other stakeholders, language classes etc.

In the section "For Professionals", the website provides practical advice, case studies and documented best practices from partner countries.

The forum provides an opportunity for interested parties to discuss and exchange information on topics related to migrant education.

Partners: European Forum for Migrant Studies (Germany), Risbo (the Netherlands), Leeds Beckett University (United Kingdom), Migration Policy Group (Belgium), Economic and Social Research Institute (Ireland), Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona (Spain), and Multi Kulti Collective (Bulgaria)


This project is co-funded by the European Commission through Erasmus+.

last modified: Wed, 10/31/2018 - 01:16