On 15-20 October 2017, Multi Kulti Collective representatives took part in a week long training on the beautiful island of Brac, Croatia along with seven other partnering organization. This was organized in the framework of the EU project Empowering Communities in Europe.
The training was part of an effort to introduce the partners to the Active Citizens methodology developed by the British Council, which then the country teams would have to reciprocate in their own countries. The methodology focuses on intercultural dialogue and fostering in and intercommunity understanding and will be specifically adapted not only to the aim of the project, but also to address the findings from Give Me Voice research. Active Citizens methodology includes Appreciative Inquiry, Systems Thinking and Passion about Europe.
More than 25 people took part in the training, also starting the planning process for the in country workshops and project activities. Five days in a bubble as all participants agreed were enough to create new friendships and be inspired to become the change.