Todor Kotev and Simona Traykova, young leaders from our #BeTheChange programme are looking for volunteers from Burgas for organizing a multicultural event on 21 April.
Please find more info below:
My name is Todor Kotev and I am an 18-year-old resident of the marvelous seaside town Burgas. I would describe myself as an active young person who takes part in a diversity of seminars, workshops and variable educational trainings. I spent two splendid weeks with my friend Simona Traykova as part of the project ‘Be the change’ in Sofia (organized by Multi Kulti Collective) which aimed to enrich our knowledge in terms of migrants and refugees in Bulgaria and encourage methods of integration and inclusion. After this experience we were very inspired and we knew that it is a necessity for our society to conduct an event that would be able to change the way of thinking of our fellow citizens about the migrants who live and work in Burgas.
As a result, we decided to create an event which is going to introduce the values and traditions of the migrants to the residents of Burgas (their traditional dishes, beverages, dance, etc.) and we plan to conduct it on the territory of Burgas on 21.04.2018.
We would be grateful to recruit people who can engage in the process of preparation as volunteers because a grand event like that cannot be realistically held only with the efforts of two people.
Moreover, we are looking for people who are willing to invest in our project in the form of providing water, coffee and some kind of light food for the guests during the scheduled break.
Our event would provide you with the opportunity to taste and indulge your senses in traditional dishes prepared by migrants and refugees who have chosen to live and work in Burgas.
We would be extremely glad if you have the time and you are interested to engage in the process not only as a guest but with voluntary work as well!
If you are willing to participate, fill the following application form. In case you would like to help us, please get in touch!
For feedback and additional information: mrkotev99@gmail.com