In Bulgaria, the (Y)our Europe project involved 12 young people from Bulgaria, Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan and Nigeria who are 18-30 years old and live in Sofia. They were selected from among 43 candidates. We conducted an individual interview with each of them to talk more about his / her motivation to participate.
Anmar, Ali H., Bewar, Ali Z., Vyara, Patrisha, Silsila, Nicol, Nikolai, Avesta, Rodi and Ivelina are young people who study architecture, pharmacy, law, accounting and work in various work fields – in the field cosmetics, IT, supporting refugee and asylum seekers, translation, etc.
For most of the participants having a migrant background, this was the first international participation and the first opportunity to organize activities for other young people.
Y(our) Europe project is funded by the Robert Bosch Foundation. More information – here.