One of the main activities as a part of the (Y)our Europe project was training in Germany, which took place in the city of Witten between 24 and 29 July 2019.
It was attended by 12 young people from Bulgaria (and 24 people from the other two partner countries – Germany and Italy), and the main topics were related to things that affect and are connected with our lives as people living in Europe and the European Union – basic information about the structure of the EU and the Convention on Human Rights. There was also a storytelling workshop that ended with a very emotional evening in which some of the young migrants spoke about the difficult paths they took to reach Bulgaria, Italy and Germany and also about their lives now. Many of them study or work, and start feeling more and more at home and confident that they have the power to direct their life in the way they want.
The training also included sessions in which the young people worked in mixed groups in order to start the process of identifying topics that they find important and continue to work on them after returning back home.
(Y)our Europe project is funded by the Robert Bosch Foundation. More information – here.