Children’s Programme

Children’s Programme
Since 2016, Multi Kulti Collective has been developing a new Programme bringing together Bulgarian and migrant/refugee children in order to overcome social barriers while participating in cultural, educational and sport events. Children and youth between the ages of 6 and 18 have the opportunity to get to know each other in a safe informal environment, to increase their knowledge and improve their skills, to have fun and create common memories and friendships. The Programme has been actively supporting the two-way integration and building bridges between different cultures thus enabling children to live in a community free from prejudice, discrimination and xenophobia. Children are usually the first ones in the family to learn the language of the host society and thus serve as mediators of their parents. The events in the Programme vary from creative workshops to playing sports outdoors, from learning languages while making bread to visiting interactive museums.
- Robotics Workshop @ Meet and Code (9.10.2017)
- Bulgarian and Refugee Children enjoy a Carnival Laboratory (20.8.2017)
- Bulgarian and Refugee Kids have Fun, Jump Around and Climb @ Funtopia (24.7.2017)
- Puppets are people, too!, or Bulgarian and Refugee Children Make Puppets (28.6.2017)
- Deaf and Non-Deaf Children Learn how to Cook Arabic Food (4.6.2017)
- 6 Children = 1 Pyramid, or How Bulgarians and Refugee Children Used Their Bodies in Fun Geometry Class (30.5.2017)
- Travelling in Ivo Jokin’s Spacecraft, or Astronomy Workshop for Bulgarian and Refugee children (30.5.2017)
- Will Robots Conquer the World, or Robotics Workshop with Bulgarian and Refugee Children (30.5.2017)
- How to Feed the Earth, or Bulgarian and Refugee Children Learn How to Compost Together (30.5.2017)
- Bulgarian and Refugee Children Cook Together and Make Friends (30.5.2017)
- Supporting the 135th Anniversary of the School in Ivanovo Village, Harmanli (23.5.2017)
- Overcoming language barriers between Bulgarian and refugee Children with Fun Mathematics (15.5.2017)
- Roma and Refugee Children learn natural science in the National Museum of Natural History and a fun workshop with Bio games (11.5.2017)
- Theatre of Crumbs empowers refugee children to connect with Bulgarians (10.5.2017)
- Theater of Crumbs workshop in Bread House with Bulgarian and refugee children (13.4.2017)
- Bulgarian and Refugee Children become Star Detectives in Muzeiko Children’s Science Discovery Center (13.4.2017)
- Cricket training with Saif ur Rehman from United Cricket Club Sofia (9.7.2016)
- Theater of Crumbs workshop in Bread House (27.6.2016)
- Theater of Crumbs workshop in Bread House (15.6.2016)
- Cricket training with Saif ur Rehman from United Cricket Club Sofia (13.6.2016)
- Spring Festival Heritage co-organzied with Global Creativity (15.5.2016)
- Chocolate Workshop with Stanimira Chocolate House (27.5.2016)
- Multicultural celebration in 105 School in Sofia with Bulgarian and Italian dancing and singing, calligraphy workshop with Freddy from Iraq, henna workshop with Rim from Lebanon, craft chocolate tasting with Stanimira Chocolate House, magic tricks with students from Anglo-American School and spring workshop
In 2017, the Programme is supported by 1000 km Balkan Charity Challenge, TELUS International Europe, Meet and Code, Workshop for Civic Initiatives Foundation, SAP, Techsoup Europe, Deloitte Legal.
In 2016, the Programme was supported by 1000 km Balkan Charity Challenge.
Photos: Panayot Chafkarov and Nikolay Doychinov