Preventing Racism and Discrimination

The project Preventing Racism and Discrimination – Enabling the Effective Implementation of the EU Anti-Racist Legal Framework (PERSERVERE) is concerned with fighting intolerance, racism, xenophobia and discrimination against vulnerable ethnic and racial groups and, in particular, Roma, Jews, Muslims and people of African descent. Starting from the premise that any system tasked with protecting the vulnerable from discrimination must, first and foremost, rely on an effective legal framework, the project implements activities concerned with the better enforcement of the law. It undertakes research in 7 partner countries and develops educational material and tools that will be used to educate legal professionals (judges, lawyers, prosecutors) and frontline workers (legal officers in prisons, the police, social services, reception asylum centres and border control authorities etc) on how to use the nationally transposed European framework on anti-racism. Relying on desktop and fieldwork research, the project will produce a series of deliverables that meet this objective, including:
an e-book identifying any gaps in the law and legal practice in both the European level and national levels of the 7 partner countries;
a training toolkit that will be used to educate at least 210 legal professionals and 210 frontline workers, while also reach at least 70 trainers/educators in the 7 partner countries; and
a series of white papers recommending changes to the European and national laws and procedures to ensure that these are fit for the purpose of fighting racism and protecting members of victimised ethnic and racial groups.
News and project developments:
The PRESERVERE Project Implementation: Lessons Learned and Recommendations (in English and Bulgarian)
Common Report on the Implementation of Learning and Training Activities in 6 European Countries (in English)
Online Learning Platform (in English and Bulgarian)
National report Transposition and implementation of the EU anti-racism legal framework in Bulgaria
All national reports (Cyprus, Italy, Malta, Greece, Netherlands)
Time frame: February 2022 - January 2024
Partners: Cooperativa Sociale San Saturnino Onlus (Italy) - leading partner, UClan Cyprus (Cyprus), Lai-Momo Societa' Cooperativa Sociale (Italy), Kentro Evropaikou Syntagmatikou Dikaio Idryma Themistokli Kai Dimitri Tsatsou (Greece), CSI Center For Social Innovation (Cyprus), The People for Change Foundation (Malta), Stichting Hogeschool Van Amsterdam (Netherlands), Multi Kulti Collective (Bulgaria)
Funding: European Commission, Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values programme (CERV)