Academic Bulletin Refugees: Today and Tomorrow 06/2021

Bulgarian Council on Refugees and Migrants, Multi Kulti Collective and UNHCR -
2683-1120 -
Sofia Municipality, Crisis as an Opportunity programme -
The first issue of the academic bulletin “Refugees: Today and Tomorrow” for 2021 was prepared jointly by the Bulgarian Council for Refugees and Migrants (BCRM) and Multi Kulti Collective (МKC) under the project “Capital of Tolerance in an Era of Pandemic: Students Connecting Academic Community and NGOs for the Benefit of Refugees and Migrants”, funded by Sofia Municipality under the “Crisis as an Opportunity” program, and in partnership with UNHCR. The project offers student internships to 14 students to gain real experience in working with refugees and migrants through two-month or three-month internships, on the basis of which they publish short analyses, interviews or in-depth research in the first and second issues of the bulletin.
First impressions of some of the students are collected and can be read in a special section. The issue publishes for the first time the results of a survey revealing myths about and among refugees, conducted by the UNHCRfounded Refugee Advisory Board (RAB). The issue also contains results from the survey “Access to the Labour Market in Bulgaria for Third Country Nationals” of CITUB. The futher tells the story of Freddie and Linda, who come to Bulgaria from Iraq, and the campaign of Multi Kulti Collective about their burned house just before Christmas. The traditional feature “Countries of Origin” reveals the history of ancient Iraq. The feature “The Voice have the Practitioners ”shares the expertise of the colleagues from the “Mission Wings” Foundation working in Harmanli and the region. This time, the “Legal Expert'' section focuses on alternatives to immigration detention, analyzing the relevant measures provided by law and the possibility of their actual implementation. The good practice from Europe in the academic field this time comes from Dublin and tells about the Master’s program “Integration of Refugees'' at the Dublin City University. As a transition to the student section is the story made by an intern who was part of the UNHCR practicum, organized for the second year for Arabic Studies students. The Student section includes two interviews with experts, one with a lecturer and one that reveals the personal story and struggles of a refugee.