Born in Seattle, the 33-year-old American Rory Miller manages a craft beer company...
The 35-year-old theatre costume and stage designer Rin Yamamura moved from Tokyo...
The 30-year-old car mechanic Kone Yaku arrived in Bulgaria from Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire, in 2012.
The family of the 24-year-old Albanian Ehlibejte Mehmetaj arrived in Bulgaria in 2004...
Behrokh Sabounchi, 30, and Mahdi Mosadegpur, 33, are from Iran.
Johanna Alcantara is 36 and moved from the Dominican Republic to Sofia six years ago
Dafar Shaban was born in Plovdiv, 28 years ago, in the family of Iraqi immigrants.
The man who introduced cricket to Bulgaria, Saif-ur Rehman, is 40 and was born in Pakistan
The family of Amer Tarek Atassi, 53, PR specialist, and Eshrak Al Bairuti
A musician and a graduate of marketing and sales management in his native Mali
Born in Mexico City, Carlos Arellano is a publicist and arrived in Bulgaria in 2009
Nora Obando from Nicaragua is a psychology graduate but after she arrived in Bulgaria
The 43-year-old journalist DIRK van Harten swapped Amsterdam for Sofia in 2008
Dzhuli Dzhamil Tatuz is a 40-year-old Syrian Kurd from Aleppo who arrived in Bulgaria
Ehab Mohammed is 29-year-old Egyptian with degrees in commerce and computer sciences
Noah Maayan was born 64 year ago in Israel, and five years ago was relocated from Prague to Sofia
The Mohamadi family of 52-year-old watchmaker Radjab and his 43-year-old wife, from Afghanistan.
Five years ago, Gustavo Velazquez graduated film and TV in Spain and arrived in Bulgaria for a two-month practice.