The Peruvian Piero Epifania is 27 and is a musician. He arrived in Bulgaria a year ago and enjoys "understanding the place and the people." In Sofia, he has started a band called Yembaya as well as a trading business.
Have you felt special treatment because you are a foreigner?
Sometimes people like to help me, sometimes they don't care about me. This is the same everywhere in the world.
Has Bulgaria surprised you in any way?
With many things. In the beginning, people looked kind of sad. But here I've had only incredible experiences. For example, once the passengers on a bus defended me from the ticket inspectors because they recognised me as a foreigner. Now I walk and see everybody is smiling, it's totally different from when I came. It's about perception.
Do you have Bulgarian friends?
Yes, one good friend, she's a friend of my girlfriend.
Yes, I like all the traditions here. Like 1 March, I love Martenitsa. And Christmas Eve, when you share that big bread and everyone has a piece and has to find the coin, because it means that you will have money all the year. This year I did get the coin. And it was so funny, because I wanted to keep the coin, and the family of my girlfriend said, "No, you should go to the church and buy a candle."
Describe Bulgaria in three words.
Changing, sunny, opportunity. Bulgaria is a good opportunity, I met many people here that started something new and good: business projects, performances.
Do you plan to stay in Bulgaria?
Yeah. I don't know for how long, but at least for a couple of years.
Can you define a specific trait in the Bulgarian character?
I cannot describe the people. Everybody's different. But, probably, the Bulgarians speak very loudly. And I think they change a lot with the weather. Sometimes they look so happy, and sometimes they look so sad. It's not only here, but here I feel it more clearly.
Do you feel Bulgarian?
No. But I really like Bulgaria.