BULSTAT 176440569
According to Article 26 of the Non-Profit Legal Entities Act (NPLEA) and Article 13 of the Statutes, the Management Board of the Multi Kulti Collective Association (hereinafter referred to as “the Association”) hereby convenes a General Assembly of its members to be held on 30 January 2025 (Thursday) at 21:00 Bulgarian time at the address Sofia, Darvenitsa district, bl. 40, entr. B, apt. 64, and via video conference on the Zoom platform at the following link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/3268323567.
The agenda for the General Assembly is as follows:
- Adoption of amendments to the Statutes related to the update of the Association’s objectives, means for achieving them, scope of activity, and other relevant matters.
- Miscellaneous: discussion of current and future projects, and other issues.
In the absence of a quorum, according to Article 27 of the NPLEA and Article 14(2) of the Statutes of the Association, the meeting will be held one hour later at the same location and with the same agenda, regardless of the number of members present.
The materials related to the agenda items, including the proposed amendments to the Statutes, will be sent to each member of the Association via email no later than three days prior to the meeting.
14 January 2025
Management Board:
Bistra Ivanova
Kaloyan Yordanov
Zvezda Vankova
Panayot Chafkarov
Peter Gaston Bex