Against Gender-Based Violence

The project Migrant Women Are Strong: A Holistic Approach to Combating Gender-Based Violence focuses on the protection, empowerment, and support of migrant and refugee women in Bulgaria who are at risk of gender-based violence.
The project includes:
(1) Research and Assessment: Analyzing the legal framework, policies, needs of the target group, and their access to protection services.
(2) Recommendations and Advocacy: Developing policy recommendations and advocating for legislative changes.
(3) Community Engagement: Working with the migrant community to raise awareness, empower women, sensitize men, provide social services, and refer victims to appropriate support.
(4) Raising Public Awareness: Engaging the local community by creating a broad coalition of NGOs and service providers, conducting a communication campaign, and organizing a socially engaged exhibition.
This holistic approach ensures protection and access to services for migrant and refugee women while fostering a shift in attitudes toward gender-based violence within both migrant and local communities. It also seeks to engage policymakers in driving sustainable change.
Timeline: December 2024 – June 2026
Funding: With the financial support of the Bulgarian Fund for Women and the European Union. The views and opinions expressed, however, are solely those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Bulgarian Fund for Women, the European Union or the European Commission Directorate-General for Justice and Consumers. Neither the Bulgarian Fund for Women, the European Union, the European Commission, nor any of their respective structures or entities can be held responsible for these actions or outcomes.