For the women and children of Ukraine

Socio-cultural integration of refugees
Socio-cultural integration of refugees

The Socio-cultural integration for refugee women and children from Ukraine project promotes the socio-cultural integration of refugee women and children from Ukraine, creates connections between newcomers and the host society and raises public awareness of forced migration by countering discrimination, xenophobia and hate speech. The project builds on the A Nice Day initiative, aimed at refugee women and children from Ukraine, which received the Bulgarian Helsinki Committee Human of the Year 2022 grand prize.

The first activity involves organizing 15 socio-cultural events for refugee women and children from Ukraine. Children and women of other nationalities are also invited to them in order to promote mutual integration between the two groups. Community events encourage participants to communicate, learn about each other and spend time in a safe environment. Examples include creative evenings, literary readings, art workshops, wool felting, cooking, visits to cultural and historical landmarks, etc.

The second activity envisages communication activities aimed at Bulgarian society, which give visibility to refugees and their successful integration.

Project news and updates:

Time frame: November 2024 – August 2025
Funding: Bulgarian Fund for Women